Just Fooling Around

Sunday afternoon we were still moving the last 2% of the stuff from the old house over (WHY is it the hardest part?!) and I wasn't much help to Heff since I was managing these four rascals who weren't napping. Cousin Kate and Ryan came over for late lunch too - so what did we do?

Pick flowers from the garden and stick them as eyeballs in the scary skeleton...

and then of course stick the 6 week old baby in it

andddd... take awky posed photos around her (ABA is gonna hate this. and Maisie looks 6)

I know. You can get me back for this one day Tess.

Let's look closely - ragamuffin kids, no one matching, 1 in the dress she wore yesterday, 1 in non-matching and neither in her size clothes, 1 with a black eye and a PJ top but real clothes bottoms (went so far as to get her dressed then put the Tinkerbell "coat" BACK ON after she insisted, and 1 poor little newborn who should not be put in these compromising positions = bad parenting!)

Then the over-tired-crazy girls were running around on the lawn teasing cousin Ryan and being silly
- nice face Maise

tug-o-war ... good luck girls!

what a good cousin :)