Tessa 4 & 5 weeks

Tessa is doing great! She is 5 weeks old now and fits right in to the family. She does like to scream for a good hour or two, sometimes three every night between 9pm-1am but then sleeps pretty well during the night and naps all morning. She still has goopy eyes from her blocked tear duct but hopefully it will clear up soon. She loves the moby wrap or Ergo and doesn't mind the car either. Not sure what she weighs, we have her 6 week check up next week but we just switched to size 1 diapers and she's getting a little chunk!

and last week since it was "moving week" we tried Tessa on a moving box...

and of course JJ wanted in on the action!

the progression of Tessa - week by week. It's fun to see she already looks bigger! Now let's just see if I can keep this up all year ;)