Weekend Recap

Friday night we had dinner at Jannie and Grampa's before Jannie jetted off to NYC to help Ann with Arte Italica stuff at the Gift Show. Uncle James, Uncle Jerry and "Big Brady" were there to entertain the little stinkers. Brady wanted to make sure I blogged this (hi to his cute wife Kristen!)

Francie goes straight for Jannie's American Girl collection every time. Grampa asked Francie if this was the United Nations crib

Jannie iPad always gets a workout when we are over there too- Jannie spoils them with screentime and they know it!

Throw in a little chocolate chip cookie baking to round out the night


Uncle Jerry juggling the big girls. Jannie is making these CUTE hats for all of them and Uncle Jerry bribed them with a dollar that is hanging out of Maisie's hat to say "Dolla make me Holla Honey Boo Boo child!" (have you seen THIS video? Ann showed me)

and speaking of hats, Thursday Jannie met us at the park for a little sunshine fun (winter has yet to show up?) Janie sporting her cute new hat and hand-me-down JanKnit sweater, love the combo!

Thanks Jannie!

"Come on, paparazzi, no pictures please."

Saturday the girls put on a puppet show with the "Rainbow Fish" props and giant story board we got on our school supply store field trip Thursday (you can now call Emmy Teacher Belding - she is amazing! The girls did a science lesson and wrote words today. You rock Emmers.)

more playroom fun (sorry playroom pics always end up yellow!) with a random picture of my Crazy Maisie - looking fine in her mermaid-used-so-often-it's-falling-apart-dress, Ariel goggles and Ariel purse. That's my girl.

Then Saturday night we met some friends for dinner at Bumble - Heff got cornered by 5 monsters under 5

and Francie with her friend at Bumble who is another regular :) she loves to put on her apron and clear plates and "take orders!"

Janie girl on a double date - don't let that high chair get too close ;)

Closing down the place - not sure how they are "helping" mop the floors by sitting on the chairs but they claimed they couldn't leave until they finished cleaning