Adios to Hawaii

I have to finish posting the last of our Hawaii pics to remind me of the sun as I sit here cozied up by a fire! I have been running around like crazy since we got back so I've been a very lazy blogger - lots of Instagram photos to post :)

Back to Hawaii- we soaked up the sun on the last few days, lathered on the aloe to make up for it and said bye to ABA on Saturday (she left a day early since she had THREE flights to get back to Nashville).  We packed up Sunday for our 2pm flight home only to sit in the sun at the Kona airport (not as fun in airplane clothes) while a mechanical delay kept us from boarding for THREE HOURS. They finally announced the plane had a broken fuel pump and would fly with one engine to Honolulu to transfer everyone to different flights. Um, no thanks! We booked ourselves on the same flight the next day and went back to the hotel with our carry on bags. Monday was like groundhog day only not as good without bathing suits, enough diapers or toothbrushes!! We finally got home Monday night… travel delays are such a pain but it was still worth the trip :)

Janie says "WHAT? We have to stay an extra day? ok."

"Sure I'll take some frozen watermelon at my lounge chair"

ABA and JJ got some good bonding time in!

Sandy beach swimming time

Sushi dinner - plus pasta for JJ

In her own seat - pretty happy as long as she has mom's phone

Bananas and a smoothie for breakfast

and our breakfast :)

Janie wearing ABA's old sunhat with her name embroidered on it- people kept calling JJ "Ann" :)

had to celebrate ABA's last day

Trying to get Jannie to watch Baby Einstein to keep her occupied for 2 minutes. Didn't work.

Little more sun

DOn't leave ABA!!!

Sunday ride to the airport in the cute taxi baby seat - ROUND 1 of 2

Awkardness at the airport - this guy was taking pictures of Jannie the entire time we waited to board!!

Monday morning breakfast at Hualalai - in last pair of PJ's (which she wore until we got home!) 

"Are we really going home now?!"