Francie Goes to Preschool

Tuesday Sept 6 was Francie's first official day of preschool! She has been counting down this day for like 2 years- no joke :) Heff made her a calendar to see "how many days til preschool" and she had been saying "...and then the next day I wake up and it's only TWO more days!" We went at 8:30am for a half day ease-in where I stayed with her to check it out. She was a little miffed I had to stay but then had fun showing me everything. I am excited for her to start going on her own!

Her dress she picked from the "hand-me-downs-that-don't-fit-yet" closet (but she saw it and decided she had to wear it since it matched her lunch box)

Getting to school (15 minutes early even!) for her first ever day of school

Mom taking too many pictures

In front of her classroom and the picture of all the teachers. She met them all and remembered most of their names - when we were driving home we were listing them all and she said "I have Teacher Peggy, Teacher Laura, Teacher Karen and Teacher Large!" (one of the guy teachers is named Lars ;)

"Hummmmm what should I do first?" (they fixed the last name spelling on the nametag;)

Painting with q-tips

She was wishing and hoping for monkey bars- she got her wish on the play yard for her classroom!

Only problem is when you have monkey-long arms and legs like your parents you might be too tall for preschool monkey bars!

Crossing the bridge (I remember when Jen Skidmore was in preschool coming to the Fair and "fishing" off the same bridge!

Water table exploration

they asked her what her favorite animal in the grass was and she picked a snake (to be friends with Pascal her pet lizard she took to Jannie's house so Jannie could build a terrarium for him. Ask Jannie how Pascal is doing ;)

she even got in a few shots on the basketball hoop- seemed to have more skill than her mother!

wrapping up the 1.5 hour day to sing songs inside - shaking the sand out of those LelliKellys!