MaryJane Gets Baptized

September 18 we baptized Janie at St. Nicholas church- our new parish just down the street! It was one of the nicest Masses we have ever been a part of (besides our wedding of course :) Father Larry did such a nice job making it special and we were lucky to have lots of family there to help welcome Janie as a catholic (especially considering it was 9:15am mass the morning after Beth's wedding!) Thanks to everyone for making the effort to come celebrate with us.

Casey Heffernan (Janie's godfather and Heff's cousin) flew up for the weekend with his girlfriend Jenna (the photographer for the event, thanks Jenna!)

Maureen helping me get her gown on

she wore Ann- her godmother's- dress from when she was baptized

Aww my sweet baby girl ready for her special day

Getting instructions before Mass

Opa, Oma and Aunt Maureen all here from Red Bluff

Ready for Mass

With the god-parents

they started Mass with us processing down the aisle while Father Larry introduced our family and Baby MaryJane

Blessings from the start

Father asked the girls to give her a blessing too- Maisie went in for the hug

The whole Mass Father used Janie's name and reminded us to welcome her into the church- it was a really special Mass for MaryJane!

after the homily we went up for the rite of baptism

She was eating up all the attention and smiling, cooing and looking around at everyone - Father stopped in his tracks here and said "I wish you all could see her BIG BRIGHT blue eyes looking up at me!"

Sweet girl

I wanted to let Casey and Ann hold her for the pouring of th eholy water part but she was so happy we didn't want to ruin a good thing-

"You see that ABA? I hardy even cried!"

Casey put the little baptismal garnet around her neck and everyone welcomed her as a catholic :)