Weekend Travelers

This weekend Brian took all three girls up to Red Bluff for a weekend away… while I stayed home to work! We were all hoping to go up for the weekend but Bumble is still so crazy I need to be there to make sure everything goes ok- especially on the weekends since we are busiest on Saturday and Sunday for brunch. Heff wanted to go out on Uncle Donald's ranch for a deer hunting excursion so OMA saved the day and offered to watch all 3 girls (with the amazing Aunt Kat!) for the weekend!

The girls LOVED their Red Bluff time with cousins and all the fun things to do on Oma and Opa's ranch. Kat took care of SEVEN cousins (with the help of cousin Ellie) Saturday night while Oma was at the high school auction too. They reported that the girls played hard, ate a ton and slept all night- and didn't want to leave when Sunday night rolled around!!

THANK YOU OMA AND KAT and all the Red Bluff relatives for taking such good care of my girls for the weekend. I missed out on the fun but I'm coming next time!

Kat took this picture of the big kids piled on the couch to watch Tangled - looks like fun!

Oma sent me this video of Janie cracking up at a balloon

and thanks to Oma for the cute Moose PJS she sent down after the big Alaska trip - Heff loves them of course! Their faces crack me up- Francie acting like a big sister but chewing on her hair, Maisie being CRAZY with milk on her face and Janie looking like what the heck is going on here?!