Nativity Carnival

The annual kicking-off-summer-vacation Nativity Carnival was last weekend. We always sponsor and work the Tri-Tip BBQ dinner and my dad was awesome this year to do all of the prep and shopping to cook 2 cases of tri-tip. We packed up the girls and did our best to help cook up and serve up some meat but I think most of what we did was cut it up in bite size pieces to feed kids. The girls LOVED the rides, games and carnival atmosphere. I don't think I've missed more than 1-2 carnivals since I was 12- always a great time!

This was "Goldie." Friday night she came home with us and became a part of our family. Francie showed her around the house and told her all about the members of her new family. We got her fish food Saturday morning. She died Saturday night at 6pm. Carnival round 2 we came home with a new Goldie and two more friends. There are 4 dead goldfish floating downstream in our creek as of last night. Damn fish!