Life Lately by iPhone

I finally uploaded and deleted all 2,000 pictures on my iPhone. 200 of which were screen shots of some Umizoomi game Francie plays where she moves this car around the screen- so my photo roll looked like a flip book. Other than that we FINALLY got some summer weather and have been enjoying it as much as we can!

We met our friends for lunch the other day and Francie and Maisie got to play with their buddies Isaac, Wyatt, Jasmine and Kayley.

One of them found a snail, Francie and Maisie always call the gross little slugs they find "Lola" so Lola turned into the hit of the lunch.

Uncle Jerry turned 29 on June 6! Dinner at Sundance to celebrate

Happy Birthday Jer!

We've been taking some late afternoon walks downtown when Heff has to work late- he's been super busy at work! Francie has her warm chocolate ;)

Nothing better than a sleeping baby - Janie has been better at night! ONE night she slept from 11pm-5am but of course I had been up until 2am :) She sleeps well in her bassinet now from 9/10ish until 1am or sometimes later and then

After Maisie and Janie's check up they both got shots- Maisie was tough - anything for a lolly pop! and there is a new study that a little sugar rush right before and after the shot helps mask the pain so Nurse Kathy suggested even JJ have one - she loved it!