Super Pooper!

Janie sometimes gets fussy, although she has been A LOT better lately, especially on vacation ;) but Heff and I wondered if her tummy bothers her since she (TMI warning) only poops about once a week. Dr Cisco says she just has an efficient/slow system and it's ok, but we could try some probiotics to help her little tummy out. We finally got some and started giving her the probiotic powder on the trip- well the second time we gave it to her, she finished nursing and I set her on this chair... Heff yelled inside for me TWO minutes later and was like "UH Mare, I think it worked!" Boy did it ever :) She had a serious ring-around-the-belly 360 degrees- her first huge blowout of her life! Sorry Janie, but we had to document, at least you still manage to look cute !