Happy Birthday Dad! (via Baby Ann)

Today is my Dad's birthday! My little sister showed us all up and wrote a really cute post on her blog about my dad - I could't have said it better myself- but did manage to dig up a few more old pictures of my dear old dad (and mom!) to add to the mix. Happy Birthday Dad - I love you too!


Happy Birthday Dad! (by Baby Ann)

Today is my Dad’s Birthday! And this is my favorite picture of him from our wedding. I thought I’d share some things about him that crack me up and things that I love about him. There are a few things I’ve heard him say all my life that I’ll call "John Simo-isms".

1. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. (This may seem like useless knowledge. But you should have seen the heads spin around when this tidbit FINALLY came in handy in high school religion class when the teacher asked “How do we know what day Easter Sunday falls on?”)

2. No skylarking. (That’s lawyer-speak for goofing-around. I think this was on a sign posted in the house after we got our trampoline as kids. Thanks for the early vocab lessons, came in handy on those SAT’s)

3. Never sit on a curb. (An obvi, but a goodie)

4. What kind of a MORON
a) Rides their bike/runs in the dark.
b) Goes on vacation to camp.
c) Does anything unsafe (not wearing seatbelt, smokes, does drugs, lets children wear jewelry that they could strangle themselves with, etc.)

5. The door is not a toy. (door slamming when we were kids)

6. Dogs belong outdoors (all animals for that matter)

then what was this all about?! Kidding- we all know he has a big soft spot- even for the dogs!

7. I never missed a day of school in my life until Law School (it’s true)

8. Don’t buy cheap wine (this came in handy when I was in college buying Rombauer on the credit card…hey, I was just following the rules)

at his Fortieth surprise birthday party - are you flipping the bird dad?!

9. Just because you got it on sale doesn’t mean you saved money (my mom and I tried to argue against this so many times and he never quite saw our “but we SAVED hundreds” point)

10. You can always bargain. (My dad tried to bargain for a sweater at Bloomingdale’s when I was in 8th grade and my mom sent him with me to pick it up for Christmas…slightly humiliating? Yes. Did the woman then ask if we had a Bloomies card and give us 10% off? Yes. Dad won)

11. Ask your mother. (Jannie was the authority on curfews, sleepovers and other teenage rules)

12. You must wear shoes unless you are in the shower or in bed. (Followed by: If you hurt your feet barefoot I’m not going to feel bad for you/pay the medical bill).

you can barely tell, but notice the shoes on - even on the beach!

13. Last but definitely not least: Always sign and date everything.

These are the ones that come to mind right now but I’m pretty sure I could fill a book with my dad’s advice/quotes. These 13 don’t really tell you everything about my Dad, although they make me laugh.

John Simo (as he is referred to by extended family, partly because there are 3 Johns) is honestly the best father any children could ask for. He is without a doubt the hardest working person I have ever known. He gets up early, works late and has never once made even the slightest complaint about it. My siblings and I grew up with everything we could need or want and learned so much from him about hard work, and being a good parent (with my wonderful mom). He also taught us all a thing or two about cutting loose with family, friends, good wine and always great food.

He is generous and really funny (my sister said in her wedding speech that I got his dry sense of humor and I take that as quite a compliment). One thing Pat noticed right away about my dad when he met him (and something I have always really appreciated) is that he is incredibly accepting. He welcomes people into his home like they were family and really gets along with anyone, regardless of their background. And Pat knows, just as I’m sure that Brian and Emily do, that John Simo is pretty much the best father-in-law you could possibly be blessed with.

John Simo with his MIL - Marmar!

He is also modest and GREAT at his job. He’s worked as a lawyer since he graduated from Hasting’s in 1973. I wouldn’t recommend getting in an argument with him and I would be nervous if he was on the other side of a lawsuit.

John and Jan with Baby Ann

His speech at our wedding was incredible. It was really funny, included some history, embarrassed me slightly, and was a very sweet blessing dedicated to Pat and I. One day I will find those notes he scribbled on his legal pad and try to write down everything he said because it was priceless.

Last but not least, he is really smart and knowledgeable about SO many things. If you are ever on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, you definitely want John Simo as your phone a friend. Unless it’s about pop culture. Then you want me. But really, I would call my dad for the answer to everything from cleaning the gutters to historical facts to cooking a great steak to “my car is making this noise what do I do?”

I could not ask for a better father and he is such a wonderful Grandfather to my nieces. Our kids will be so lucky to get to spend time with him and be spoiled by him one day.

Happy birthday, Dad! I love you.


Good work ABA...

and I have to add a few things about the best dad I know.

I always remember my dad behind a camera when we were little capturing all our little life events. I'm so thankful for that now Dad and think that's where I got my excessive photo-documentation skills… TG for digital!

My Dad loves his babies- and I love how cute he is with my girls and how special he makes them feel. They love their Grampa too!

Roadtrips! My dad will drive anywhere anytime… even when he is working miles and miles away instead of staying at a hotel he drives home to his family every night. And made us endure lots and lots of family road trips in the Volvo.

My Dad doesn't have a lot of hobbies- except being with his family and working hard. His free time is always spent with us and I know I am thankful for all those weekends building forts, working on the house or just hanging out with our parents.

and what a good sport- his surprise 40th also consisted of a trip to Disneyland where none of us had ever been- including him. We told him on the way to the airport. He thought it was a gag-gift… but never complained!

and Dad- you really showed us all how to have good relationships with the way you were always so kind, loving and thoughtful to mom. You surprised us every year with the antique store finds for christmas gifts and always gave her a big hug and a kiss when you got home from work. thanks for setting such a good example of a loving relationship (you too mom :)

we all love you for being so funny!

WE LOVE YOU DAD!!! Thanks for being the greatest dad ever - through all these years and still today.

PS- DAD was this really you?! Must have been those law school working-as-a-bouncer, motorcycle-riding, construction-high-rise-working, hitchhiking days you never ever wanted us to hear about- goes against rules 1-13 above for sure!!