Ryan & Eloise

Last Saturday Jan, John, Brian and I co-hosted a cocktail party to celebrate our good friends Ryan & Eloise upcoming wedding. Ryan and I went to school together and the Connolly's have always been so good to Brian and I- hosting us for our first vacation together at their house in Desolation Sound BC and also opening their home for our rehearsal dinner! We are so excited for Ryan and Eloise and had a fun night celebrating with them and their friends.

Ann Skidmore came to help make pizzas

Michelle and her friend Alex helped with the bar and pizzas and Katsy and Ann shared Janie holding duties- a big job that night!

Cupcakes for dessert

Jannie and her girls

lots of fun friends

more pizza please!

we did the "who knows who better?" game Jodi did at Jen's wedding in New Orleans - hilarious! They were GOOD too :)

almost all of the questions were right!

crowd pleasers

Eloise, Ryan and I

The BBQ men- my dad, Heff, Ryan's dad Pat and Ryan

Francie enjoying cupcakes with her new friend- he even played War with her when she showed him the deck of cards in the tv room

Maisie loves her some "spicy soda" when she can find it

We're so happy for you Eloise and Ryan! See you in a few weeks for the big day!!