Easter Eve

Aunt Kat and Uncle Donald stayed with us for a few days since they had a wedding in Saratoga so we got ready for Easter festivities on Saturday. Kat and I made a trip to the two-story Target (our fav) and had Mark, Sarah, Clara and Baby Caroline over for lunch - then dyed eggs, made cookies and got ready for a fun dinner at the Skidmore's!

Janie chillin in the ergo while we colored the eggs

and this is a horrible picture of me but I was making cookies while the girls took their afternoon naps and Kat and Donald headed out to the wedding, Heff was on a run so I packed Oliver in the ergo and held a fussy Janie to finish the cookies- Heff was laughing at me when he came home and took this picture :)

Zach and Oliver at dinner- they were best buds :)

J&Z - so great to see them back in CA- move home please!!

Janie sticking her tongue out silly girl

Hard to tell- Donald passed out after a few too many beers or Oliver Donald passed out after a few too many ounces of milk?!?

Cracked crab dinner at the big dining room round table- Heff and I (and Jen and Zach who were so helpful with our crazy crew!) were up and down about 25 times with kids but still managed to eat a yummy dinner

Heff, Jer, Clark and my Dad

Ann, Jen, Zach and Earl - and pretty easter decorations on the table!

Francie and Maisie cheers-ing Jannie with their cocktails :)

Maisie hanging out with "Oh-vuh" her little bunny buddy

an attempt to take a picture of all four in their PJ's - not so much! Francie ran for the hills, Maisie says "all done hod-ing Janie" and Oliver and Janie are not so happy - but it was a great night!