Aquarium with Dad

Monday Heff had the girls up bright and early to head down to Monterey for a day at the aquarium- they were there when it opened and loved seeing everything under the sea. Heff had booked a hotel right next to the aquarium for a sleepover so they went back for a swim and naps early afternoon- swim happened, naps didn't! Then back to the aquarium, dinner at Bubba Gumps and then bedtime. Somehow a binky missed the packing process so bedtime proved to be a challenge- Maisie was also asking for her monkey music maker and pillow and told Heff "No Okay. HOME." but they survived! They came home Tuesday morning happy campers and I was thankful for the day and night to spend with Janie and sleep (as much as she would let me- not her favorite activity when the sun goes down but we're working on it :)

Francie pretending she's a seal or something with flippers. (a hair band missed the trip too!)

Seahorse exhibit (Heff claims Francie erased a bunch of the good pics- I'm just happy to get something back on the camera after an adventure with dad!)

Francie "teaching Maisie things" I'm sure

hiding in the "fort" to see the fish

Francie and a penguin

Maisie's cheese face!

Silly girls eating lunch at the aquarium cafe

My favorite part of the aquarium- tide pools… waiting…

for the huge overheard wave! The girls like it too :)

and the most talked about exhibit "MOM! We touched BATRAYS!!"

A light up touristy plastic glass for Shirley Temples at Bubba Gumps. Heff said the girls lost their minds when they came out with these.

Worn out and snuggled up in bed.