Enjoying It While It Lasts

Janie is 10 days old and it's my first day home by myself with all three girls! Heff took Francie and Maisie on a special adventure to the Monterey Bay Aquarium yesterday and they stayed overnight in a hotel to swim and give mom a night with just Janie- I'll have to upload their pictures to blog next. This was the one Heff texted me when they got there at 10am yesterday… this was our third time to the aquarium but the girls were younger before and just soaked it all up this time. Francie was only slightly disappointed they didn't have her three favorite animals- Humpback, Orca and Sperm Whales :)

so today he is back in the office for a bit and we are surviving at home- lucky for me he tired them out and ALL THREE girls are sleeping soundly right now. I should be sleeping too since I was up every hour last night with Janie or the darn dog (ate a diaper- needed water or to go out three times. Gross) I better go do something productive- I hear Maisie's monkey music thing on- this quiet won't last long!!