The Outtakes

Sunday after the Christmas tree expedition Jannie was intent on getting a picture of all three girls for her Christmas card... let's just say we didn't even come close! The girls were tired and not cooperating, not that a 4, 2.5 and 9 month old ever cooperate for photos unless Emmy works her magic. My mom said it reminded her of trying to get Aunt Mimi to help her shoot a Christmas picture of me, James and Jerry and we were so annoying Mimi walked out mad as can be at us! I know the feeling :) But at least we got some entertaining outtakes...

this was Francie's idea. She must have been surfing the web at awkward family too much lately

cone heads

get me outta here

Jannie bribed with the candy drawer. Didn't work so much

maybe if they are contained in the crib?


Not a chance

love the band-aids Maisie

If we give JJ an apple Francie already gnawed on?


"How about an Ariel smile?" works for Number 1. Number 2 has to see what an Ariel smile really looks like instead of looking at the camera


Maybe if we distract them with the christmas figures the girls look for on the windowsil every year


WE TRIED! Little stinkers...