Nativity Christmas Tree Lot

Sunday we went with my parents to the Nativity School Christmas Tree Lot so we could both get our trees and throw them in Brian's truck. Sunday afternoon was a little slim in the pickings before the Monday shipment supposedly but we found some good ones. The girls were a little tired and cranky but we managed to get in, get a tree and get out- all in the holiday spirit :)

strike 1 trying to get a Christmas card picture for Jannie - strikes 2-200 in the next post on Outtakes :)

Crazy Maisie had to get in on the nutcracker action. Don't all Nutcrackers have binkys?

Dad and the J looking for a tree

WAY up in the air!

Francie and the "Charlie Brown Tree" they gave her when the Natvity dads recognized us as the BBQ people!

and Maisie just wants to bring home the dirt she "found"

Jannie, Grampa and Janie

Jannie babysat all three one night last week and JJ loves her Jannie now!

Grampa showing off the hot chocolate Francie made for them

Janie gets to try some

"Hummm what do I think of this stuff?"