
… means 1 month to go to our due date! Hard to believe it has flown by since we found out we were expecting another little Baby Heff back in June. I am 36 weeks now- considered full term next week. This pregnancy has been easy and to me seems very similar to Francie and Maisie so I feel like it's going to be a girl but I have always been wrong so maybe that means it's a boy! Heff thinks girl though (he says he wants a whole slew of girls :) and he is 2 for 2 being right on- one of us will break our streak. I also feel like I will be late again like 9-days-overdue-Maisie… but would be fun to have another birthday on the 18th of the month (both F and M) so a week over would be ok- at least I can say that now :) But 211 is oddly my lucky number so a 2-11-11 baby would be pretty cool too! Nothing matters but a healthy baby so we'll just see what happens and be very lucky to be holding another tiny newborn in our arms soon enough.

It's getting harder to cart the girls around, in and out of the car and I'm getting a little worn out but very excited to meet our newest addition. Jannie has been reminding me for about two months now "you are WAY bigger than you were at delivery with the other two!" so maybe it's a big baby boy or maybe that's just how it is by the third baby :)

I'm not a big belly shot person- my sister yells at me if I take them :) but Francie took this blurry (thank god) picture the other day when Maisie was pulling up my shirt to kiss the baby belly...

Last week at my Tuesday appointment with Dr, Druzin we thought the baby was head up- in my ribs. It felt like a breech baby the way it was kicking and making me have good posture :) He didn't do an ultrasound but the heartbeat was WAY up high so he thought it was breech- but at 34+ weeks could still turn. I can't have the ECV (version) since I had a c-section once so I would be pretty much out of options to flip the baby set aside the old wives tales/hippie home remedies! that I tried with Francie to no avail! SO I was pretty bummed but thought flipping thoughts all night and the next day I had an ultrasound scheduled- Heff and the girls came with me and we found a head down baby!! Now I just hope it stays that way.