Tea Party Time

For Oma and Nans's birthday (Dec 28) we planned to do a little dress-up tea party at the house with all the girls (boys were invited but they decided to watch football at the Cahill's house next door of course). The non-hikers stayed home and slaved away on tea sandwiches and treats. We brought out Grandma Heffernan's china and tea sets for a lovely table :) Oma bought new beautiful princess dresses, crowns, gloves and jewelry- pretty nice grandmother to make HER birthday party so much fun for everyone else! The girls were really cute with their fancy nancy manners and conversation :) Happy Birthday Claire and Cathleen!

pretty petit fours by Aunt Kat

Francie-as-Snow-White making faces

Maisie cut her nap short to sit in front of the tower of tea sandwiches

Time for tea

Kate- pushing the envelope of prim and proper :)

Maisie in a princess get up too- not going anywhere without her blankie-pillow and BaBe. Maybe she should have dressed up as Linus?!

Impressive tea sipping Clara Marie!

Maggie looking beautiful as a princess

Mary Frances found her name tag!

Ellie and Isabel all accessorized

Girl talk at the kids end of the fancy table

perfect sandwiches from the ladies in the kitchen!

Kat, Oma and Andrea cheers-ing their tea

Clara Marie with no nap after a full day if hiking… tired?

YUP. Asleep at the table two minutes later!

Ellie - the leader of the ladies showing the girls the right way to sip their tea

Francie gave Opa her Christmas present too… we asked her what she thought Opa would like for Christmas and after a while she said "ummmm…. a penguin." why a penguin Francie? "Because that is his favorite show on TV." (The Apple TV screen saver is set to Antarctica photos of penguins) So she went on Amazon and found this "penguin for adults" she was sure Opa would love. He was so cute when she gave it to him and picked her right up and sat her on his lap. We love you Opa!