Quick Trip to Red Bluff

Tuesday night we had a mellow dinner at home on the deck and then started packing up a few things for the girls and Heff to go to Red Bluff for a meeting he had up there the next morning (I was going to stay and get ready for baby showers/work) but I realized I'd miss them too much if they went without me and a trip to Red Bluff sounded like fun. So we threw together our bags and jumped in the car to all head up together that night. We were packed and ready in 15 minutes - record for sure and on the road by 9pm. It was a fun 2 day trip and well worth it! We joked we escaped the bay area 96 degree heat wave by heading to Red Bluff where it was 113 degrees that day!

Wednesday morning Brendon came over with the big forklift to help move our playhouse to it's FINAL resting place at Oma and Opa's! She had a great pad built for it to sit near the red barn and the red chicken coop on Oma's ever growing farm. She is going to put a climbing tree house structure on one side and a little deck around it. We're glad it found a prefect home at Oma's!

The girls delivered some hay bales with Dad on the four-wheeler and played around in the barn

then lots of fun with cousins and the Flynn's who came for dinner too!