Funny France

Francie put on her second show for us after another week of nature camp in August- more funny pictures of her so into performing for a crowd! And she was so excited that Jannie and Grampa (who drove all the way from work for the 20 minute performance and had to get right back to a meeting!) were there to watch too.

She has been entertaining us round the clock lately... tonight I asked her about which characters she is excited to see at Disneyland (we are finally taking her this Fall!) and she said:

"Welllll, Minnie texted me that she is bringing her kitten Figaro and I texted her back that I am going to bring Ollie so we both have our pets."

I asked her how she got Minnie's number and she said she just borrowed my phone and sent her a text message. It's going to be a loooong wait for your first real cell phone kid so keep dreaming!

and tonight putting her to bed I said goodnight/see you tomorrow and she said in front of Heff "I'd like Dad to come say goodnight to me because I just really like him." (aka she knows he is a sucker for lying down with her until she falls asleep!)