Maisie @ 15 Months

Sorry this blog has been bu-bu-bu-boring lately! I can blame it on summer and technical difficulties :) But ABA has nothing to do at work if I don't update something so this might just tip the scales at being even more boring but here is a "what you're up to" post about my little Maisie Moo!


Maisie Shark (aka Sharkie, Moodle, Maise) you turned 15 months old yesterday and you are SO much fun....

*You have a little attitude. Dad says Francie is rough and tumble and you have the girly side. You don't like to get dirty, you have to clean a mess (not saying you don't like to make the mess- you just like to clean it immediately too :) and you growl "Ugggggghhhhhh!" if Francie or Ollie make a mess in your presence.

*You still wear newborn diapers! My favorite Pampers Swaddlers in the 2-3 size. I think they go to 22 pounds which you are just about at/over but you have skinny chicken legs and a little butt so they will probably still fit you for awhile

*You make your dad proud as a meat loving carnivore. You pick the meat patty our and devour it first, then the sliced tomato and eat it from the center out (messy messy shirts). You love venison, turkey, beef, hot dogs, sausage, burgers, steak... just about anything that used to have four legs. You like healthy food like fruit (strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon are your favs) and veggies but you don't like blueberries ever. You aren't a big carb girl except pasta or waffles.

*You still take a bottle of whole milk (the "D" kind Francie says, while she drinks the "2" kind because she is 2) before some naps, when you go to bed and sometimes in the morning when you wake up. You love your ba-ba. We like the Born Free one best since the one here is cool but you pop the top through and dump it out too often!

*You are a GREAT sleeper. You go to bed around 9/9:30pm every night and we just put you in there with your down pillow, flannel comforter, Little Giraffe lovey and your music light box thing on. You HAVE to have your binky attached to your shirt at all times, especially when you go to bed unless you are already asleep. You sleep through the night and wake up between 9/10am. Thanks Maisie- I love you for this :) You also still take 2 naps if we can swing it but it's starting to look like one afternoon nap might be in the cards for you soon.

*You are starting to talk and babble more- you say "MaMA!" when you want something, "Dada" when you see your favorite person, "JA!" for Jannie (the other day it was "HI Ja! Hi JAAA!" waving from the swing while Jannie cooked pizzas, you say "Tank ah!" for thank you and "Ow-wa" for Ollie just like your sister did, you say "ba-ba" and "bub-bub" for bubbles (on my iPhone game) and "dis! dis!" for THIS please. You sign more and please with a funny "sssss" sound when you rub your belly up and down for please. You don't say NO yet- you just shake your head with a cute little smirk.

*You love to take a bath- just doesn't look much like it here! I think your sister smacked you :)

*You love to read and bring us books all the time then plop on a lap. Your favorites are Sandra Boyntons doggie books, 15 Animals (Bob and Bob) and Silly Little Goose.

*You have a cute little crooked tooth and a little space between the front teeth just like Grampa does and ABA did before braces- must be a Simonson gene!

We love you Maisie Moo!!!

The other day Maisie and I walked downtown Los Altos (DTLA we've decided, since it's not the Cruz!) and got some lunch while Dad and Francie were on a whirlwind trip to Red Bluff for the day. Maisie was hanging in her stroller while I fed her some turkey and a lady stopped and said "Oh my goodness she's so calm, she's like a Buddha Baby!" I laughed but it's kind of true- she is usually pretty content and happy just to sit and watch the world go by (except when she is in a fit and gets MAD Mad Maisie Mad if you even look at her!)

My Buddha Baby :)