Dinner at the Skidmore's

Francie can always count on Grampa for a swim! Sunday night we went to the Skidmore's for a post 4th BBQ in their beautiful backyard (and yes this was two weeks ago when we wouldn't let Kat and Donald leave- I've almost fixed my photo uploading issues!) We had a great time with great food as always when Ann and Earl host. The girls loved being the center of attention and getting to swim with Grampa in the pool and the waterfall hot tub!

Maisie posing like a movie star (in her too-small last season suit! oops)

cute pic of Kat and Donald and their baby belly

Maisie used to have to wait around for Francie to vacate Jannie's arms but now she pushes her way in and won't let Francie bully her into second place! Maisie LOVES her Jannie and Grampa and cries like crazy whenever we have to say goodbye. Jannie loves it :)

PJ'ed up after the pool and helping Earl throw mesquite on the fire with her gloves on of course

Dad had to assist with the aim a little bit

Ann Skidmore always spoils the girls with their favorite snacks or "Francie food" laid out and extra ice cream-

Francie asked everyone if they wanted Limoncello on their's but reminded grampa "Not toooo much or you might get a headache and a hangover!"

and the night wouldn't be complete without a few "shows" she learned at nature camp

bedtime for babies!