4th of July BBQ

We finally pulled the house projects together enough to invite everyone over for a 4th of July BBQ on Sunday (the party was supposed to be at Jannie's and we pulled a fast one at the last minute :) Jannie helped us deck the house out for the 4th with some flags and bunting, we had more food than anyone knew what to do with and it all made for a fun 4th, one of my favorite holidays. It's so nice to host at our new house!

Francie helping Kat and I bake a festive cake

I tried to make this really pretty red, white and blue flag cake I saw on a blog. It was all plain white outside but when you cut it, each piece looked like a flag. Except mine didn't look so pretty. When Christian came over she looked at it and goes "Oh that looks EXACTLY like the picture." And Emily said "so cute Francie made her own cake." Uhhh, thanks for the support guys :)

Francie was SOO excited when her BFF Alexa came to join the party

Ann and Earl came by too- we've been celebrating all the fun holidays with them for 32 years!

Earl and Heff looking patriotic

Happy Grampa recovering from knee surgery last week (never took a single pill for pain meds and was back at work way too soon- Francie says Grampa is "the hugest super toughest")

Sharkie got into the dress up chest and put on her pretties

Sandra and Ben made the trek down to Los Altos- we miss our old neighbors!!

aw my snuggle baby

Cat, Tim and Josephina

Francie providing some entertainment- I think she was trying to do "Mooned Ya!" but couldn't quite get it right with a long dress :) What a classy little lady we are raising.

Donald coming up with some lamp-chop-lollipops to pass around. Meat, meat and more meat was the theme of the afternoon.

Okay the cake was a mess but it KINDA looked like a flag! And it was real red velvet and cream cheesey frosting Aunt Kat made so it still tasted good. And luckily we didn't throw the rest out- it served as a perfect hangover cure for everyone the next day

Phina liked it!

James and Tim after cigars and I had to tell James he couldn't light off bottle rockets in the redwood grove!

congregation of guys around the BBQ

and ladies laughing around the table