4th of July Parade

Sunday morning, July 4, Heff and the girls and Aunt Kat were up bright and early to go register for the RWC 5K Fun Run before the parade. Donald and I followed a while after to pick up our friend Lindsey (her husband Chad and boys ran the race too) and set up a spot for the parade. I've been going to this parade since I was really little, I used to wake up early with my dad to put chairs out and wait for our family friends to all join in a spot right by his old office. (I was even IN the parade one year vaulting on horseback for the 3 mile route but we won't talk about my purple spandex clad gymnastics-on-horseback days :) Heff had the time wrong and they were about an hour early so we got to send them off with good luck for the start of the race and watch all three laps as they came by. Then the biggest parade in Northern CA and the kids loved it!

here comes Heff and the girls

Chad and his boys Isaac and Wyatt rounded the first turn- he used our double stroller and had an locked wheel malfunction as the race started- Heff stopped to lend a hand dashing their chances for the blue ribbon in the stroller division :) that's ok, yhey still finished third and fourth

showing off in front of our spot with a little spin move- he's lucky he didn't knock anyone out!

and Aunt Kat happy to be running too!

Go Baby Doverspike Go!

she was for sure the unofficial winner of the 6 months pregnant division of the race! (she has been running almost daily through her pregnancy but called this 5K her last hurrah)

lap 2

after the parade, Francie and the boys coming to find their moms with the dad's pulling up the rear

pretty happy with herself (and yes- still wearing their star PJ tops they wore to bed last night! Heff dressed them for the run at 6:30am and thought there was no reason to change ;)

Francie wanted to show me that Maisie fell asleep in the Chariot on the run...

REALLY show me she was sleeping. and Sharkie did not appreciate it so much

sidelined in their camp chairs

switching off seats every five minutes

the double stroller dads

a belly shot!

watermelon at the parade...

not a bad life for the shark

Maisie wanted to run after every float that came by

dancing in the street. brings back memories of sitting on the same corner waving a flag while my parents and their friends went through a few gallons of bloody mary's!

the girls went nuts when the horses came of course- Maisie screaming "duh-duh!!"

"Come back horsey!!!"

Jannie and Maisie

this is pretty much the grip Lindsey and I had on the little kids the whole time

exhibit B

or another approach

you can always count on the boyscouts when you forget your own flag

Maisie was so filthy from A) wearing the same shirt for 18 hours straight B) eating fist fulls of Trix in the stroller (slobbery wet trix are disgust!) and a watermelon feast on the sidelines C) crawling in the street - but the solution was easy- new pants and turn the shirt around! I was just impressed Heff packed an extra pair of pants :)

a big sister needs to teach her the "truth about flags"... don't throw um on the ground!

the girls favorite float- pretty sparkly things...

just don't get brainwashed

Isaac's blowing the tubba, kids are getting sunburned and naps are calling their name. Time to pack it up and head for home!