What A Week

Wow- I think this is the first time I have sat down in a week. It was a short week but a busy week and an even crazier weekend. Here is the quick version.

It is Academic Trainers finals week which is always nuts and my manager who has worked at Academic Trainers for two years moved to Southern California last week so we spent some time at the office on Tuesday getting things ready for summer session

and they were rewarded for being such good sports and putting up with Mom "checking emails" so we walked our wagon to the park and met some friends for late lunch

and then hit Safeway for grocery shopping. I need saddle bags for this wagon!

and Francie helped me cook while Maisie napped- I made not one but TWO dinners in the slow cooker with our piggy meat this week! Tamale Pie and Peachy Pork Chops from "The Best Slow-Cooker Cookbook Ever"

I took Maisie to the East Bay for some sample sale furniture shopping. I found this cool Oly "hair on hide" chair for the living room- Heff had been wanting one like this but the ones he found online weren't quite what you want to put in your living room :) this was the perfect compromise! We came home with a few things for the playroom too- it was a looong day of shopping.

oh yeah and we closed on our house Wednesday too!

This was our last trip to the house as a family. Heff worked sooo hard on getting all the not-so-fun-stuff done this week. It was so sad to turn over the keys but also a relief

A little work and lots of working on the house! The girls helped me organize the playroom Thursday morning- it's still in the "getting there" phase but it's a work in progress and fun to do with Francie and Maisie tearing it up as we go along

We got this cool baby blue chest on the sidewalk when our old neighbors put it out "free"! It has wheels on it and works great for toys

and we walked down to the Farmer's Market in the afternoon. I can't wait to go back every Thursday all summer. Good food, lots of kids dancing to music in the street and delicious samples :)

The girls bathroom has been a work in progress and I've been up early all week getting the tile guys and plumber guys and electrician in to get in whipped into shape. Francie watches them and says "good job" all day

and we turned part of the downstairs storage area into a laundry room and craft room-
here is the craft room with walls and a sub-floor Friday morning

and the laundry area and craft room all checkered out by Friday afternoon!

but we've still got plenty of storage along the sides for all my crap

the people who sold us their house might have a heart attack if they saw we were using the wine cellar they built for our storage (just while the floor was being put down :)

Friday we went downtown for lunch and to run some errands- Maisie tried out the new baby rocker at Le Cirque

"I'm not a baby anymore!"

and came home to find some trouble- Maisie is a climber!

we went to the park with friends on Friday afternoon

Then went to Costco Friday night to stock up on food for BBQ'ing, wine and snacks

and when we got home Aunt Kat and Donald had arrived to stay with us for the weekend!! We were soo excited to get to spend some time with them, see Kat's cute 23 week baby belly and finally have a guest room for them that didn't involve blowing up an air mattress and then not being able to walk around it in Maisie's old room. They were great to make the trip down and hang out with us. (Kat's friend's Lauren and Jason came by to hang out Friday night too!)

we had an impromptu "lawn party" Friday night with our new neighbors!

"I looove crackers" Then we BBQ'ed Friday night but my camera was finally set down in a corner for the day :)


Heff and Donald took the girls on special adventures to the irrigation store to get the sprinklers in the front yard moved since the fence changed the grass watering area. So Kat and I walked down for bagels and coffee after her run (she is still a running machine even with her cute belly!)

Then Chad brought the boys over in the morning to play while Lindsey was teaching her Dailey Method class at the Los Altos studio down the street, then while Kat and Doanld went to meet friends for lunch Lindsey came over and we all walked down to the park for a mini-lunch picnic and roadies :)

Francie and Issac "working on things" in the office

then after lunch we drove down to Aptos to celebrate Connor's high school graduation and Emmy's college graduation. It was a beautidul day at the beach for a Kreeft lawn party! (but this party and a crazy story about the escapades of my Dad's BBQ will get their own post!)

and when we got home our friends and old Willows neighbors came over for a BBQ! We all walked the nature preserve then relaxed by the BBQ while the kids played in the playroom and Will reported any unnecessary roughness to the adults

Heff did the potatoes on the BBQ with the tri-tip in a huge cast-iron skillet and they were so yummy

Francie and Anna were playing dress up all night and Will finally convinced them they needed to serve up the cake the Ryan's brought over- they were in heaven

Heff and the girls ran in a 5K Sunday morning with Chad, Isaac and Wyatt at Oak Knoll school. They were the 1st and 2nd to cross teh finish line with strollers!

while I got up EARLY and drove over to Alameda with Aunt Kat and Emily for the Alameda Antique Fair- it was insane, basically an upscale flea market and only happens once a month. There were 800 booths and we walked for almost 5 hours! But got some good stuff :) I saw this tractor Heff has been looking for online but it didn't fit in my wagon so I just took a pic to show him

we got home from the flea market at 1:50, quick changed at our house and then went to Rosewood for Emily's birthday brunch Anne and I had planned at 2:00!

Maisie being silly on a brunch date

Happy Birthday Emily! (her littlest friend gave her a goood birthday present!)

then we came home and the girls napped, we had to get a few things done around the house before Monday morning and then we went over to my parents house for...

JERRY's BIRTHDAY party! It was a really fun crab feed with a bunch of their friends and Allison and my mom did a great job planning it.

"Jerry says... Getting Old Stinks!" (haha :)

We always love when Big Jerry is here to visit. He has a seat in the World Series of Poker this summer! I couldn't be prouder ;)

I found a poker chip at the antique show that said "SMILE" for Jerry to take as him lucky card holder

The girls were riding trikes in circles around everyone after dinner being crazy!

marching in to Jannie's-

and then off to BED! I've never slept so well in my life after an action packed week :)