Happy Hollow

Last Monday we went to Happy Hollow with some friends. Yes it was Memorial Day which means two things, I am a whole week behind on my blogging after a crazy week/end and we were crazy enough to go to the recently renovated Happy Hollow Park & Zoo on a holiday!

We went with some friends and did some stroller swapping

"let's go"

we could only keep them corralled so long...

watcthing the big kids on the huge climbing jungle

water break

We found a ride with a line that wasn't too long and Francie jumped on

Maisie was so mad she didn't get to go!


so we went on again and Francie took Maisie along in her bug

another ride we are tall enough for...

the police cars and fire trucks... Maisie wanted to drive on outta here and Francie tried to give the ticket taker kid a TICKET!