
I'll admit we let our girls sleep with us for the first few months/years of their life and it got a little out of hand. When they were both babies they were in the bassinet right next to our bed - wedged in there so I had to push the bassinet out to get out of bed. I kinda miss that tiny room in our old house!

Our new room (in the pic Emmy took above, I'll have to take more of the windows on the other side) is great though- I love all the space and light and we can hear the creek and see the redwood trees. It's still looking a little sparce- not a high priority for decorating. But we finally upgraded to a queen bed!

Francie transitioned to her own room after she was crawling out of the bassinet but would inevitably wake up most nights and crawl in bed with us. This was a tight fit when Maisie was a baby, Francie was a toddler and all four of us would somehow sleep together in our DOUBLE BED.

We wised up after too many nights of "hey- can you move that elbow so I can put my head there." and sleeping on the very edge of the mattress. Francie learned to stay in her own bed and go back there after she goes potty and Maisie gets the second child treatment- you put her in her crib at bedtime and close the door and don't open it until it's acceptable time for her to wake up. But she loves to sleep so it's not a problem :)

(She was laying in the sun the other day- no she doesn't sleep in an old wooden cradle:)

Now without babies crowding the bed and hogging all the space we sleep so much better... but the other night I was reminded just how well we sleep without little cold feet in your ribs. I heard Maisie up at 1:30am- I was still up and kind of missing her (dork!) so I went in to check on her - she was fine just awake so I picked her up and she snuggled right into me. I obviously wasn't thinking straight so I brought her in bed with us for some more snuggling. BAD IDEA. She was all over the place- patting my head then sticking her fingers in my ears, nose and mouth (real annoying). She'd sort of fall asleep then get mad and rearrange herself so her feet were on Heff's chest and her head was on mine. Finally I got fed up and walked her back to her room expecting a protest. She saw her crib - looked at me and then pointed to her crib furiously! I laid her on her big pillow with her soft blanket tucked in her arm, binky in her mouth and flannel down comforter pulled up over her- She didn't move again until 8:30 this morning and I went back to my big quiet comfy bed.

little stinker