Archery Lessons

The other night we walked down to the Nature Preserve after dinner so Francie could shoot her new arrow. They have a little archery area set up for summer camp (we hear the campers from our backyard during the day- it's so cute!) Francie loves shooting with her Dad and Maisie follows right behind.

"got my arrows Dad"

"Yessss the wagon is all mine"

Daddy helping her get set up

sp proud of herself

gotta retrieve your arrows

Maisie was more concerned with trying to walk Ollie

"I can't get it offf!"

"Oh what am I going to do"

"maybe talk my sister into a turn??"

(she's signing PLEASE! on her belly!)

check out Francie's face

someone is sooo excited she actually gets a turn

"I did it!!"

all done

what a good dad

Maisie was wandering off in the woods. Good thing someone saved her

heading home (sorry for too many photos- I couldn't help it they were so sweet to each other riding together in the wagon for once :)