Father's Day Hunt and Hanging Out

Sunday was a great Father's Day for Heff (I hope) We went to 9:15am mass at St Nicholas and Francie did NOT earn a donut after mass- wow she was TWO. Then Heff went out to the King's Mountain Archery Range with Francie to shoot his bow which he hasn't been able to do for awhile. Francie got a new bow and had fun out shooting with her Dad. I got to go to the "big Target" and stock up with just Maisie while they were gone, pretty exciting Sunday :)

her Dad's favorite archery shirt- the real test will be when it starts bearing her belly will Dad choose modesty for his baby girl over the coolest shirt ever?

We just hung out around the house all afternoon and let the girls play in the creek and get as wet and dirty as little feral children

splash is coming

too busy to ever look up at mom

France, France, France of the Jungle

Shark in water

real happy kid her mom picked her up to hug her

A happy father on Father's Day watching his girls play with a cold beer in hand :)

then we BBQ'ed up some burgers for dinner (and used some weird smoke charcoal that probably had our neighbors ready to call 911 with the smoke) and played a new board game together before baths, books and bed... oh wait, bath's came first- they were REALLY dirty kids