Happy Father's Day!

to the Dad in our family- we love you Heff!

Francie says "I think Daddy is like- such a great Dad because he like takes me on special adventures and we do stuff together. Also he is fun to have pillow fight with." (my 2 year old valley girl :)

Maisie says "DA-DA!" more enthusiastically than any other word, pushes out of my arms into his whenever he is around, cries when he leaves a room and just loves snuggling into her Daddy.

Heff, you are such an incredible Dad. I don't know how you do it but you handle two girls so well and make it look too easy (what am I doing wrong?!) I love that you let the girls tag along most places you go and that you even take Francie to work (reporting you still operate at 85% efficiency with her "working in your office- pretty impressive). You wash the piled up sippy cups and bottles without complaining, you change diapers, dress your girls, take them on walks and bike rides and even camping! Thank you for being my partner in parenting and teaching me patience :) WE LOVE YOU DADDY!

you sure are good at what you do :)