Where's My Sister?

"Where's guh-guh?" (Maisie's nickname for France) For some reason- Francie is still waking up 2-3 mornings a week 5 minutes before Heff's alarm goes off in the FIVE's range and gets herself ready to go to work with him. When we tell her she should get some sleep she looses it. So Heff packs her up, takes her for warm chocolate at Peet's and lets her hang out in his office until BB opens at 9am. Sometimes she pretend she is a teacher at BB and goes back and forth over there sitting at the snack table by herself with stuffed animals and goldfish crackers to go around- and thinking she runs the place. I'm not complaining about the quiet mornings since Maisie usually sleeps until 9am but she sure misses her sister when she wakes up to an empty house.

Bottle Baby- nothing like 6 ounces of Whole Milk to make you happy in the mornings

nothing to do but sit and pine over my missing sister (yeah right)

we usually go get her when we get moving- it's lonely without her :) And somehow Francie still makes it until 3-4pm for naptime without getting too cranky but she sure falls right to sleep.