
This time of year there is always so much to do! I love the warm weather and evening plans that are just easier to make when it's nice out. I've also been busy at work with two new hires at AT and BB and working on a new little project too. But it seems like all I want to do lately is come home for the girls naptime and work on some organizing/setting up project around the house. The construction stuff is almost there- we are painting a bunch of rooms next week and then we'll move the washer dryer down to the new laundry room and I can set up my craft room and really unpack into organized storage!

this was last week's project- actually printing out pictures and putting them in frames and on the wall. Heff calls this wall the "Best Of Blog Wall of Fame". I was pretty proud of myself for taking the time to use a level but don't look too closely, still not all straight

The playroom is waiting for a new coat of paint but I've been setting it up little by little and changing things every time I think I've decided how I want it set up. There is this neat little alcove under the stairs we made a "school class" for now. Francie LOVEs being teacher and bossing Maisie and Ollie around!

I got a PBK table on sale as a floor model and set it up with my flea market chairs near the window

and everything else in the room is still up for redoing and figuring out but for now this is how it looks!

and today's project was tackling the girls' closets! Suzi T. passed on another amazing bag of matching dresses and skirts from Molly and Megan. I told her I feel like they are art in the closet :) I had to majorly reorganize all the clothes to make it easier for Heff to dress them in something cute in the mornings. It was getting a little out of control.