Weekend at The Lake

We trecked up to Lake Tahoe this weekend to stay with our friends the Sakais and the Marottos and attend the wedding of one of Heff's good friends Eric O. Saturday morning Heff took the girls to McKendry to finish cleaning up and clearing out (thanks for my free morning and giving me a hall pass on cleaning out the garage Heff!) so we left for Tahoe Saturday afternoon and stayed through Monday. Of course it finally hits 80 degrees and sunny here and we head to the only place around that still has SNOW!

Francie said her favorite part of the weekend was playing with "those big girls" Katrina and Maggie

while the little sisters Maisie and Stella battled it out over the leftover toys

Kevin, Krissie, Heather, Johnny and Heff sitting around the dinner table after the kids were all passed out downstairs

Saturday morning- after lounging around for breakfast on the deck in PJ's (5:30pm weddings on a Sunday are a great idea) we headed for the beach

Big guy Ryan

girls on the beach

Maisie wanted to walk right in the snow melt-freeeeezing water

Whoaaa Maise!

big dreams of floating in the lake were dashed when her toes hit the icy water

warming up- and I might have forgot a swim suit for shark but who needs a suit when you have onesies anyway?!

Kevin and Ryan

a few minutes later... Ryan did the same thing as Maisie and RAN in. Hit just below the waist, stopped short and had to be quickly rescued by Dad.


Crazy Maisie- look at that toof space! Just like her Grampa and her ABA-before-braces :)

"What?" This is Maisie's new trick. She throws whatever she is holding on the ground and then goes "What? Where did it go?"

we wore them out on the beach, ate a huge lunch and everybody took a nap! back up on the deck for lounging around. what a great day :)

then it was back down to the beach

Francie found two "princess chairs" for she and Maisie

It was so sunny out I was wishing I had a polarized lens (when I realized the lake looked way cooler with my sunglasses on than off) so I improvised...

ok- too many pictures to post! gotta run to the park. more later :)