More Tahoe

more pics from the lake and the wedding. Remember when a 36 roll of film was a LOT? I filled up my 8gig card in a weekend and got the album down to 321 pictures. I'm so glad I live in the digital age.

pretty lake

I don't think Maisie stopped waving

one of the dad's from the house next door offered to take a picture of all of us so I was forced to brave the freezing water myself

my silly little Doo

hummm. silly? more like GROSS and kinda weird

"OMG. Is she... is my sister licking dirty pinecones again?"

Heather had taken the big chore to arrange babysitters for us at the house while the three couples were at the wedding about 45 minutes away. She used an agency she had also used for their wedding almost 3 years ago in Tahoe but we were all a little surprised when Patricia and Betty showed up and were a little "older" than we expected. I kept telling Francie she was going to stay with some really fun babysitters while we were gone and when they showed up she turns around and goes "where are the babysitters?" but she was a trooper and took on her "big helper" role to keep the other three happy while we left. I told them she might stay up until we got back (the words no babysitter ever wants to hear) but they said when the other kids went to bed at 9 she stayed crying for mom and said she wanted to go to bed too. But they all survived!

at the wedding at the new Highlands Ritz at Northstar. It was a beautiful wedding ceremony outside in the sun

our table - the five guys have all been friends for a long time and had way too much fun making fun of each other all night

Heff and Erik switching jackets for some reason- Heff wants to wear a seersucker like this to Baby Ann and Pat's wedding. I told him ABA might agree except her wedding is in October!

Bride and Groom at the cake

my cute husband. at the bar?! shocking.

Kevin, Heff and Johnny with the Groom Eric

the girls... someday I'll teach Heff how to get one in focus... or maybe we can blame the bud lights and high altitude :)

Heather was our DD for the night thanks to this little guy due in 6 weeks!

and waiting for our car to go check on the kids... and those babysitters!

and back to hanging out in PJ's monday morning...

and look at these two trouble makers... born 9 days apart Maria Margurette and MaryMarjorie!

so she basically has the Italian version of Maisie's name AND she is also named after her own Great Aunt Marge!

"What? what's so weird about that?"

attempting a picture of all the kids. I think this is when we asked Francie to hold everybody down and she said "But I only have two arms!"

NOW she's mad (I think I must have the same look multiple times a day :)

Stolen Sophie

Daddy's girl- she throws a fit lately when he walks out of the room or comes in and doesn't pick her up right away. Drama queen but I'm not complaining!

and then we headed home... with an urgent potty break requested soon after we got on the road. Heff says he is still learning how to hold a girl outdoors for a squat. sometimes this means the pants have to come off for replacements!