Happy Birthday Grampa!

Monday was my Dad's birthday so we all went out to Sundance for dinner to celebrate. Jerry had class until late so we made 8:00 reservations. The girls were troopers and rallied for a late dinner out- even if Maisie had to pass out on the floor for a little while. Sundance is one of our favorite spots (our first date!) so it's always great to go there for dinner. Happy Birthday Dad!

Sidecars at the bar

Jannie and Grampa!

Em and James looking stylish as always


but she woke up to join the party not to long after

Allison and Jer- Francie moved everyone around so she could sit next to Awoo.

Queen of the table - had to remind her this was GRAMPA's birthday party

happy just hanging out

opening cards... My Dad loves birthday cards and usually gives us a bunch of cards he fills out himself from every member/pet in the family (RIP from the dead cat Tillie card is always our favorite) we have to make sure our cards represent at his birthday!

make a wish grampa! The girls and I walked down to Satura Cakes in Los Altos that afternoon and they picked a bunch of "cupcake" desserts to bring Grampa

Guess who got to blow it out?

always entertained by the spoon trick

trying hard

fun family dinner :) happy birthday dad!