Fence Stakes & BBQ Steaks

The fence is up! After Ollie got out four times Thursday, I'm glad to have a fenced front yard. My Aunt Kaky's friend Charlie from All-Fence did a really nice grape stake fence for us, Heff's idea and I had to basically shut him in his truck and send him to work to keep him from grabbing a shovel and digging fence posts with the guys. One of his favorite things in life... building a fence. He's crazy :) But he is swamped at work and this fence couldn't wait any longer!

little stinker

and we put gates up on the back patio a few places

and just in time for Memorial Day weekend... our BBQ is in! Heff drove down to Greenfield last week to pick it up from the guy who made our last one, my Dad's tow behind and one for practically everyone of our closest friends and family members.
We put it down on the firepit patio by the creek and built in back into the hardscape as much as we could- I don't even think it looks that big here! Maybe if the sun would ever come out we could put this thing to use.

The horseshoe on the front was one the previous owners found in the creek. Hope it brings us good luck!