Sisterly LOVE

Sometimes I can't help myself and I have to dress the girls in slightly tacky, bright colored-ness. (Hence my latest blog changes too! Sorry ABA/Christian ;) Maisie tries to hold her own but Francie is kind of rough and tumble with her sister. Maisie usually wants to play and then ends up in tears- she's turned into quite the drama queen. Maybe the "It's Fun to be Me" shirt should have been reserved for Francie.

(wish this one weren't blurry)

For some reason Francie calls Maisie "Little Fih-Foo" now. I think that is what she was saying when I tried to take these

trying to appease me and put her arm around her sister. I give it a C+

Maisie just can't believe the doll hasn't been snatched out of her hands yet

"Wait come back!" Maisie is done with the torture (and yes that's a beer coozie on Francie's sippy cup. She doesn't like cold hands and neither do I when she attacks my mole-arm!)