More Moab

A few more pictures some of the other girls took from our Moab trip! A rare thing- I am actually in most of them... A) because there were so many other people with cameras and B) because Maisie was attached to my hip/lap/shoulder the entire three days being sick I could barely manage to take my usual flood of photos! Thanks girls :)

Sitting outside for lunch- love the effects whoever took this pic!

hiking up, up and up (looks impressive- it was only a 30 minute hike from our rooms)

irrigated fields in the desert looks so strange

girls just wanna have fun - what a great trip!

*sidenote: my sister commented on these pics and said "you hike?"- my friend Janna facebooked me and asked what I was doing with real shoes on and my BBF Kerri said her daughter goes "that picture is so cool it looks fake. maybe it is- i mean where is her waterbottle and backpack" HA. I guess I can't fake being a hiker!