I'm Feeling Better!

Maisie's fever came back full force Sunday (105!) so we made a trip to the Moab Regional Medical Center ER. She was so sad and sick :( I was worried about her but we were in good hands and got all checked out before we flew home- then went straight to our pediatricians office and saw Dr. Noland Sunday night. She slept well last night (after not sleeping more than an hour at a time on my chest the night before) and was a much happier camper this morning. Her fever is down and I think she is on the mend but we're headed back to the dr this morning to make sure.

My poor little sick Sharkie on my lap at the hospital waiting for blood results. She was NOT happy when 5 people had to pin her down to draw blood, then hold her up against the wall for a chest xray and swab her throat. They check out everything in the ER and thank goodness everything was normal. She's probably fighting off a viral infection and she is a high fever kid. But she's much happier today and so am I.

worn out and heading home

she was so happy to see her Daddy!

enough with the pictures mom- I'm snuggling

And Francie was anti pictures last night but Maisie was so excited ot see her sister and perked up to play and read books with dad. We missed you Francie and Daddy!