Girls Getaway in Moab

Thursday afternoon Maisie and I set out on an adventure to Moab Utah with some girlfriends and their babies. We stayed at a really cool resort on the Colorado River and having fun with six babies- most of the ONE year olds! Maisie came down with a fever Friday morning though so we laid low and quarantined ourselves from the others for awhile. The phone service isn't great here so we instant messaged with our pediatrician's office to check in and evaluate- good thing for technology even out in the boonies! We think she has another ear infection (ugh- I hope this doesn't mean tubes) and have been pumping her up with generic (thanks recall!) Ibuprofen getting her back to herself. She's been great today and we even ventured out on a hike to the top of the cliffs.

Red rocks- it's a really cool landscape here with red rock cliffs and "fins", desert terrain and the river running through it all.

view from our room

Evelyn and her mom petting the horses (Maisie wanted to go see the "doggies" as she calls all animals but then freaked out when we got too close!)

as close as she would get

On the run

swinging when we arrived

and then this was our Friday. Quarantine with infant Ibuprofen, lots of water and her favorite doggie book.

little sharkie slept... She took like 12 naps and luckily I brought my laptop so I actually had peaceful, uninterrupted time to get some things done and snuggle with her

and she's up. "Hey! I'm number ONE this weekend!" She is being really cute and loves having mom time all to herself I think :)

she took this picture all by herself. I guess she's seen me use a camera a time or two :)

still happy fighting the fever

After cabin fever took over sickie fever we went out for a little walk around the ranch

"Hummm... which way are those horses??"

self portraits

"Nice to meet you too. Just don't try to lick me again."

awww- sad sick sharkie eyes

but this place is so cool!

rock sorting

sunset playtime

"Dude. Stop taking pictures and catch the ball mom."

afternoon activities- the ladies and babies congregated outside our room on the grass for a cocktail hour of girl talk and trashy mags while the babies played in the sun

Beth, Maisie and the resident dog have a chat

Noelle taking good care of baby Paloma while her mom gets a massage - it was tag team efforts all weekend!

and then an hour later the clouds rolled in all of the sudden and a huge storm dropped buckets of rain on the resort! We golf carted it to the lodge for dinner in the bar

Maisie had a much better Saturday- more pictures next...