Wild and Crazy Friday Night

Cousin Kate Heffernan came down to visit for the weekend so we had some friends over Friday night for dinner and lots of drinks (my advil bottle is empty- but guess what, they sell Advil liquicaps on Amazon now, TG) We had so much fun with Kate and are doing our best to convince her she needs to move down here. Friday night was a little crazy here but it is a whole new world to have room to entertain in the new house!

Christian and Summer brought RAINBOW pasta... the colors are healthy things like spinach and carrot. Amazing.

girls cooking up. and I love that crazy Real Housewives of NYC is on in the background! poor Heff :)

Summer, Wyatt, Francie and Maisie

Kate and Libby

Rainbow pasta = huge hit! (side note- Christian reported that it was $15 a bag at Draegers. So I was just inspired to look online and found it for $26 for 4 packs on my favorite unnamed site :)

Summer Lovin'

ice cream- you scream

Mr Tickle must have been really funny Libs ;)

then Jer and Allison came by to visit!

and Courtney our more-than-full-service realtor/friend and her husband Michael came by to talk shop and check out the house

and Allison had a robe for a bridal shower she needed a monogram on... It was a busy night at the new house!

Monogrammed up and looking good

Sharkie thinks so too

Uncle Jerry engineered some impressive emily-block-buildings

that were quickly destroyed

can't wait for more fun nights with lots of visitors this summer :) the warm weather better be here to stay... come visit us!