All in a Day's Work

Heff took Francie to lunch today while I was getting a little work done at Academic Trainers and Maisie was snoozing. She looked so cute on his shoulders walking through town but she had one concern...

"Dad- everyone can see my bumsie." Ahhh, yess they can france.

Heff always puts those jeans on her if he gets her dressed (probably one of the only pieces of clothing he can easily tell are clearly HERS after a few mishaps with Francie in 12 month pants and Maisie in 3 yrs. She was rocking the plumbers crack today that's for sure.

and then she was kinda tired after playing at BB all morning so she got to watch a Mickey in Heff's office. Hopefully the other end of the conference call didn't get distracted and start doing the hot dog dance. I didn't know he keeps a pillow and blanket hidden behind the couch!

my kinda day at the office