More Easter-ing

Still catching up on easter posts- Sunday morning we found the baskets the Easter Bunny had left out (chocolate bunny included!) and then went over to our neighbors' for a kids hunt and Mimosas. It was a good morning :)

Easter morning following the trail of plastic eggs to find their baskets

Someone is still waking up

Bed-head girls ready to dig into those Peeps

"Oh I LOVE you Mickey" (The Easter Bunny had to have the guy at Walgreens climb in the front window display for this one she'd been eyeing for weeks) Maisie is wondering why she got jipped with such a little Mickey.

Then after 8am mass (yup- Heff talked me into leaving the house in the SEVENS) we went over to the neighbors for another hunt. Thanks Ben and Sandra!

On the move.

Emma helping Francie find all the good ones

Maisie happy to sit and play with the one she found

The kids were thrilled to pose for a photo op


They all went over to say hi to our nice older lady neighbors Florence and Alice

Are we done yet?