Great Birthday :)

I had a great day celebrating my 32nd birthday today! I took zero pictures so here is my day through my iPhone. I woke up to "OOOOh MOM!! We got you a sprinkle doooonut and some caaaards and a pink and a white and a puuuuuurple ballooooon!" :)

We went to Stacks for breakfast with my mom, Aunt Mimi and the girls and Heff met us too- my favorite breakfast stop. Then lunch with Christian and friends at Marche, a restaurant on The Cruz that just started serving lunch today so we figured we had to go! Naps at home then Heff kept the girls entertained with a "recycled egg hunt" so I could have some uninterrupted computer time. We were going to go out to dinner but watched the game over at Jannie and Grampa's instead! Jannie gave me this pretty vase with tulips and Grampa came through just like every year with a battery of funny cards.

My sister sent me a cute package too and the funniest card of the bunch (actually an Easter card for Francie) ~

HAHA! Thanks for all the emails, notes and Facebook messages! I am lucky to have friends and family who are so nice to me on my birthday! :)