Saturday Moving and Building Madness

Saturday morning we woke up to bagels and mimosas in our new house!

We have very nice friends to be so thoughtful and bring us goodies- Courtney knows me too well with this amazing toaster she gave us- it is so cool, feeds my love for all things gadgety :)

and if this weekend of moving couldn't get any crazier- Saturday was National Rebuilding Day for Rebuilding Together and Heff had taken on his own project this year!! He was up and out the door at 5am- the first guy at Home Depot and on the job to help our friend "Forrest" gain warmth, safety and independence living alone in his home. Heff has been working on this project all month and we are so proud of him for taking this on. The girls and I went by to bring the crew pizza at lunch...

Francie showing off her new red Keen's Jannie gave her

Then back home to entertain the troops! We had Craig, Andrea, Isabel and Thomas staying with us for a short weekend Friday night and Saturday. Jannie came over and we all took our first walk down to Shoup Park- even Ollie got to come.

cousins Thomas and Maisie

Francie and Isabel tearing up the playground

Sisters turn!

Andrea and Thomas

Maisie Moo

and then they discover the creek

Jannie, Maisie, Andrea, Craig and Thomas watching the girls play

and THEN... home to unpack a little more, see the LA Heff's off to their baptism in the east bay, and head out to Oracle Parkway for the Rebuilding Together BBQ! Heff, Forrest and Susie

Seriously every time we get to a party like this the bounce house goes down right before her very eyes

Luckily, she found some big girls to watch. Imitating their every move:

and back home for more of this:

and our first time being at our home as a family! Even though it was madness to have so much going on in one day- we feel so blessed to be in our new home- warm, safe and with our little family- it was nice to remember how lucky we are and to help out someone else who needed it that day. Heff had to do all the hard work- thanks for sharing the experience with us love and we are so proud of you. :)