Moving In
We didn't waste any time and got into our new house the minute we could :)
Wednesday night we did a final walk through before we got the keys. Maisie making sure the floors are clean with her blankie
We found three leftover beers in the fridge- perfect for a celebratory cheers! (Uncle Donald was driving through town and came by to check out the house with us)
and finally, officially, moving in! We took as much stuff as we could fit in my suburban, Jannie's suburban, and Heff's truck in two trips over ourselves and slept on the living room floor in sleeping bags!
first night drinks welcome party
Uncle Jerry and my parents came to pitch in
Jannie reading to Francie in the empty living room
working on some new curtains ;)
and then... MOVING TRUCK day on Friday!
our first official visitors- Andrea, Thomas and Christian
bath time. Maisie's head smelled like Chinese food :)
Maisie's nervous- what's coming next? ;) That was all Friday- and our Saturday was even crazier ;) more pics coming next....