Movie Night

Our neighbor Alexa invited Francie over for a movie night the other night. She loves playing with Alexa and got in her favorite Mickey PJ's (those things are def not flammable) for her date.

It was funny to watch her learn to take social cues... she kept telling me she only wanted to watch Nemo at Alexa's house and when we got over Alexa said "Let's watch the Princess and the Frog!!!" and Alexa's mom asked her to give Francie a few options since she was her guest. So Alexa says "Well... we have Up. We have Nemo. and we have THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG!!! What do you want to watch!?"

Francie looks at me, back at Alexa and says "I want to watch the Princess and The Frog."

only the previews and they are glued to the screen! I told Francie to put her arm around Alexa and she does this: