Did I Tell You She's ONE?

More pictures of Maisie's big first birthday- the real day of.

We went to lunch at a new burger place called Sliders. They have... you guessed it. Lots of sliders. They were delish! And Maisie split a milkshake with her sister.

Only she likes to blow bubbles in her straw. No a good idea with a large choc shake.

Francie is really into being a "tiny baby" and talking baby talk - probably because Maisie is getting all the birthday attention!

and Mini Cheesecakes for dessert! "Here Dad- it's your favorite."

Then home to play and enjoy the Sunday around the house

Wait... who's one? "I AM! I AM!"

Tough Love

Then we walked downtown Palo Alto for dinner- just the four of us (when Francie asked why no one came to Maisie's birthday) We had an easy dinner at Pluto's.

Why do they all look so surprised here?

Maisie entertained us giving big hugs after dinner:

and a little frozen yogurt for dessert

Happy REAL Birthday Maisie Moo. Welcome to ONE!