Maisie's Birthday Dinner

Last Thursday night we had a little party at Bistro Vida to celebrate Maisie turning ONE! Her real birthday was Sunday- but Oma & Opa were in town Thursday night so it seemed like a good night to celebrate. We missed Jannie who was in NYC with Baby Ann but Grampa was there for them both. We got a sitter for the kids at BB and had a nice dinner- with Maisie as the guest of honor.

The perfect way to celebrate a FIRST birthday- champagne for mom and her first bottle of whole milk for Maisie!

The Heff's (not a great picture of any of us!)

and who better than her god-mom to serve up her first bottle! She took it like a champ (well- it took awhile but she drank from a bottle!)

We got a babysitter at Brilliant Babies (3 doors down from the restaurant) to play with the kids while we ate- Maisie ended up staying with us almost the whole time but she was the birthday girl afterall!

The Komo's

Christian and her baby Shark

The grandparents with the girls

Silly Little Maisie Moo

The girls side of the table- Lindsey, Christian and Cat

We played pass the baby bottle (with baby attached)- good party game

Dad's turn

Family style dinner. Yummm.

Chad and Lindsey

Allison and Jerry

The big one year old cousins Maisie and Clara with their daddies

"Here Clara try it!"

Time for birthday cake

We brought the big kids back for a little dessert

Happy Birthday Maisie! Lucky Little Girl